3 Ways To Master Your ‘Nope’

Let’s start with the definition of the word nope. The definition is as simple as it gets. The definition of the word nope is simply NO. Did you guess it? Now let’s use it in a sentence. “Are you working today?” “Nope.” Seems crazy that one word can have that much impact, right? In a world where we are naturally forced into quite a few yeses each day, a simple nope will do you good every now and again. In fact, what about an entire day of the no… even better, nope?
Let’s talk about how.
  • The first thing you have to realize is that it’s quite alright not to be available all of the time. Our schedules are filled with responsibilities and activities that fuel everyone else around us, even in the case that you enjoy your work, family, daily activities, etc., if you do not develop space for the ‘no’ you will always be the one left burnt out in the end.
  • As much as you value other people’s time, require that they do the same for you. The only way to mandate this notion is to set aside time for yourself and make this time non-negotiable.
  • Have a plan, a task list, and a schedule. And yes, all three of these things are important. Productivity is killed by lack of full circle understanding and application of what it takes to get something done. When there is a lack of productivity in your life, you will feel more guilty about saying nope when the desire comes and you want to say it.
But remember, your “Nope Day” is the perfect day to recharge your battery!
And, it’s a great idea to plan your ‘Nope Day’ ahead of time. So, let’s hear it. What are you doing with your ‘Nope Day’?
*This post was sponsored by our team at mybetterselfcare.com . If it is your goal to be better at self care, be sure that we are connected. It’s always better to be on the journey together!